Welcome to my website. My aim is to enrich public discussion on the European project, and provide informative background on key aspects of European affairs, especially as related to Europe's infrastructure.


Axel Hörhager was Head of the Vienna Office of JASPERS, the special EU/EIB programme to assist Eastern European member states to develop and finance sound infrastructure projects, from 2007-2012.


Axel worked for the European Investment Bank (EIB), a European institution based in Luxembourg as senior economist and project specialist. His projects included coordination of the econmic aspects of the Balkan Task Force, set up in 2000 to rebuild south-eastern European after the conflict. He worked on diverse infrastructure projects in many parts of the world, ranging from high speed trains in Spain, harbours in Germany, support to agriculture and fishing in Tunisia, electricity grids in Jordan, wastewater treatment plants in Mexico, long-distance roads in the Ukraine, or airports in Bulgaria and Poland. At JASPERS he specialized in R&D projects, such as the Extreme Light Infratructure (ELI) based in Prague, Budapest and Bucharest.


Prior to working for the EIB, Axel worked for  GITEC Consult, an engineering company in Düsseldorf, and the Institut Ecoplan and Business International in Geneva.


He gained his degree in Economics at the University of Cambridge, and wrote one of first PH.D. dissertations on Environmental Economics (under Professor Bertrand de Jouvenel, and later Rémy Prud'homme at the Université de Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne. 








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